Del Mar College
CIS 306 - Managing NOVELL® Networks
Instructor: Michael P. HarrisIntranetWare 4.11
IntranetWare Installation Guide
Appendix A - Manually Selecting Drivers for Hardware Devices
A driver is a collection of commands that run a hardware device, such as a monitor or CD-ROM drive.
The IntranetWareTM for Small Business CD-ROM includes drivers for many common hardware devices. During installation Install surveys the devices attached to the server and automatically loads drivers for the devices. Occasionally, Install is unable to find a device or a driver for a detected device. In such a case, you are prompted to load the device driver manually.
Manually Load the Drivers
Three types of drivers are included with IntranetWare for Small Business: disk drivers, CD-ROM drivers, and local area network (LAN) drivers.
- Disk drivers allow the computer and the IntranetWare for Small Business CD-ROM to share information needed during the installation process. In addition, disk drivers allow IntranetWare for Small Business to access both internal and external hard disk drives after the server is installed.
- A CD-ROM driver also enables communication between the CD-ROM drive and the server. In some cases, you must choose a CD-ROM driver as well as a disk driver.
- A LAN driver must be loaded to establish a network connection (if the server is physically connected to the network cabling). Your choice of LAN drivers depends on the cabling system and the network board you are using.
Load the Device Drivers
Install automatically detects the hardware devices on your machine, including hard disks, CD-ROM drives, network boards, etc. It then scans for and selects applicable drivers for the hardware.
During Install, If Then Drivers are selected automatically Proceed with "Load the LAN Drivers." After the LAN drivers are loaded, a summary of selected drivers appears. You can then continue with the drivers shown or you can modify the choices that have been made for you. Drivers are not selected automatically, or if Install found more than one driver for your hardware or was unable to match a hardware device with a driver Continue without choosing a driver or choose manually which driver to load by following the process below. Your drivers may not be selected for the following reasons:
- Install could not recognize the hardware device.
- Your machine does not have an advanced bus (EISA, PCI, PNPISA, MCA).
- Your hardware is non-Plug and Play ISA.
- The drivers you need are not included with this release, or they do not contain information needed by the auto-detection process.
If you need to choose your drivers manually, the "Select a driver "screen appears.
Figure Appendix-A-1.
WARNING: If you are installing from CD-ROM and the CD-ROM drive is connected to a SCSI adapter shared by another internal or external device (hard disk, tape device, etc.), you may experience a keyboard lockup problem while loading drivers or copying files. If this occurs, contact your SCSI adapter manufacturer for updated drivers or mount the CD-ROM as a NetWareŽ volume and restart Install.
Similar to a disk driver, a CD-ROM driver enables communication between the CD-ROM and the server's CPU. In some cases, you must choose a CD-ROM driver as well as a disk driver.
Disk drivers have a description that appears as you highlight the driver. A list of standard NovellŽ drivers is shown in the next table..
Computer Architecture Controller Disk Driver You Must Load Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) AT ISADISK.DSK IDE (ATA) IDEATA.HAM Microchannel ESDI PS2ESDI.DSK IBM SCSI PS2SCSI.DSK Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) AT class ISADISK.DSK IDE (ATA) IDEATA.HAM EISA vendor proprietary See vendor For example, if you have an ISA computer, load the IDE disk driver.
Besides Novell drivers, additional third-party drivers are included with NetWare 4.11.
IMPORTANT: If you experience problems with third-party drivers, contact the manufacturer listed in the driver description that appears when you select the driver.
The selected disk driver is then copied to the server boot directory before it is loaded.
If more than one hard disk of the same type is installed in your computer, and if the disks are both connected to the same disk controller, load only one disk driver for that controller.
If the disks are connected to different controllers, load the driver multiple times or load additional disk drivers.
If Then The driver is listed Choose the appropriate disk driver and continue with Step 2. The driver is not listed Press <Ins> and follow the prompts. Then continue with "Load the LAN Drivers" below.
Verify that the displayed parameter settings are correct.
A prompt appears asking you either to choose and modify driver parameters or to save parameters and continue. If you save the displayed parameters and continue, another prompt appears asking if you want to load any additional drivers.
If You Want To Then Load additional disk drivers, or load separate CD-ROM drivers Choose "Yes" and press <Enter>. Then repeat Step 1 and Step 2. Proceed without loading additional disk drivers Continue with "Load the LAN Drivers" below.
Load the LAN Drivers
Install automatically detects the hardware devices on your machine, including hard disks, CD-ROM drives, network boards, etc. It then scans for and selects applicable drivers for the hardware.
During Install, If Then Drivers are selected automatically Go to the summary of selected drivers shown in the previous figure. You can then continue with the drivers shown or you can modify the choices that have been made for you. Drivers are not selected automatically, or if Install found more than one driver for your hardware or was unable to match a hardware device with a driver Continue without choosing a driver or choose manually which driver to load by following the process below. Your drivers might not be selected for the following reasons:
- Install could not recognize the hardware device.
- Your machine does not have an advanced bus (EISA, PCI, PNPISA, MCA).
- Your hardware is non-Plug and Play ISA.
- The drivers you need are not included with this release, or they do not contain information needed by the auto-detection process.
A LAN driver must be loaded to establish a network connection (if the server is physically connected to the network cabling). Your choice of LAN drivers depends on the cabling system and the network board you are using.
Most NetWare 4.11 LAN drivers have an individual description that appears on the screen when you choose the driver. Refer to "Load the LAN Drivers"the next table and to the on-screen descriptions to determine which LAN driver to load.
IMPORTANT: If you experience problems with third-party drivers, contact the manufacturer listed in the driver description that appears as you highlight the driver.
Table Appendix-A-1.
Cabling System Network Board LAN Driver You Must Load ARCnet* RX-Net TRXNET.LAN RX-Net II RX-Net/2 Ethernet NE/2
NE/2TNE2.LAN NE/2-32 NE2_32.LAN NE1000 - ASSY 950-054401 NE1000 - ASSY 810-160-001 NE1000.LAN NE2000 - ASSY 810-149 NE2000T - ASSY 810-000220 NE2000.LAN NE2100 - ASSY 810-000209 NE2100.LAN NE1500T - ASSY 810-000214 (twisted-pair version of NE2100) NE1500T.LAN NE3200 NE3200.LAN NE32HUB NE32HUB.LAN Token Ring NTR2000 NTR2000.LAN For example, if you have a Novell NE2100 network board installed in your computer, you must load the NE2100.LAN driver.
Choose your LAN driver from the LAN driver screen shown in the next figure.
If the LAN drivers are not selected and loaded automatically, the screen appears. The selected LAN driver is then copied and stored temporarily in the server boot directory before it is loaded.
Figure Appendix-A-2.
If Then The driver is listed Choose the appropriate LAN driver and continue with Step 2. The driver is not listed Press <Ins> and follow the prompts. Then continue with Step 2.
Verify that the displayed LAN driver parameter settings are correct.
A prompt appears asking you either to select and modify driver parameters or to save parameters and continue. You can modify the driver frame types by pressing <F3>.
If you continue and save the displayed parameters, another prompt appears asking if you want to load any additional drivers.
If You Want To Then Load additional LAN drivers Choose Yes and press <Enter> . Then repeat Step 1 and 2. Proceed without loading additional LAN drivers Continue with Step 3.
Verify selected disk/LAN drivers.
If your drivers are not automatically selected, the next screen appears displaying the selected disk and LAN drivers. A prompt asks you to select additional disk/LAN drivers or modify selected disk/LAN drivers.
Verify that there is at least one disk driver per controller and one LAN driver per LAN adapter. Take into account controllers and adapters that are integrated into the computer's system board and those on the computer's expansion cards.
Figure Appendix-A-3.
If You Want to Then Load additional drivers or modify the settings of any previously selected drivers Choose Select Additional or Modify Selected Disk/LAN Drivers, and follow the screen prompts.
Once all appropriate network drivers have been chosen, continue with Step 4 below.Proceed without loading additional drivers Continue with Step 4.
Verify selected LAN driver protocols.
The screen shown in the next figure appears displaying the selected LAN drivers and their protocols, and a prompt asks you to view or modify the selected protocols settings.
Figure Appendix-A-4.
If You Want to Then View or modify LAN driver protocol settings Choose View/Modify Protocol Settings, and continue with conditional Step 5.
Once all protocol settings have been chosen, continue the installation process.Proceed without viewing or modifying protocol settings Continue installation in Step 8.
(Conditional) Choose View/Modify Protocol Settings.
After you press <Enter> to view or modify protocol settings, you are asked to choose the LAN driver for which you will modify the protocol settings. Choose your LAN driver, and the screen shown in the next figure appears, showing the previously selected protocol settings for that LAN driver.
Figure Appendix-A-5.
(Conditional) Press <Enter> to select or deselect protocols from the options shown.
(Conditional) If you chose TCP/IP, enter the IP address and IP mask numbers and press <F10> .
NOTE: If you are installing NetWare/IPTM , make sure that your IP address and netmask are correct. Typically, you enter the netmask in a hexadecimal format.
For more information on NetWare/IP, see "Install NetWare IP" in Installation of the NetWare 4.11 online documentation set.
NOTE: Protocols selected here are nonrouting. If you want to configure routing protocols, do so through the "Configure Network Protocols" option, which is available after the server is installed. See "Configure Network Protocols" in Installation of the NetWare 4.11 online documentation set.
At this time, NetWare 4.11 loads the drivers that have been chosen. In the case of LAN drivers, all frame types will be loaded and applicable frames bound to IPX.
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Last Updated: Sep
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