
Intel Processor FSB Info :
133 = 533 MHz
200 = 800 MHz
266 = 1066 MHz
333 = 1333 MHz
400 = 1600 MHz

Memory Info :
Memory Speeds (MHz)
and Data Tranfer Rates (GB/s) :

DDR1 266 MHz = PC2100
DDR1 333 MHz = PC2700
DDR1 400 MHz = PC3200

DDR2 533 MHz = PC 4200
DDR2 667 MHz = PC 5300
DDR2 800 MHz = PC 6400
DDR3 1066 MHz = PC 8500
DDR3 1333 MHz = PC 10600
DDR3 1600 MHz = PC 12800
DDR3 1866 MHz = PC 14900
DDR4 2133 MHz = PC 17000
DDR4 2400 MHz = PC 19000
DDR4 2666 MHz = PC 21300
DDR4 2933 MHz = PC 23400
DDR4 3200 MHz = PC 25600
Note : 
* The practical data rate is determined by the system's Central Processing Unit and motherboard configuration.
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Memory Support and Windows Operating Systems

Updated: February 9, 2005

Operating systems based on Microsoft Windows NT technologies have always provided applications with a flat 32-bit virtual address space that describes 4 gigabytes (GB) of virtual memory. The address space is usually split so that 2 GB of address space is directly accessible to the application and the other 2 GB is only accessible to the Windows executive software.

The 32-bit versions of the Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition, operating systems were the first versions of Windows to provide applications with a 3-GB flat virtual address space, with the kernel and executive components using only 1 GB. In response to customer requests, Microsoft has expanded the availability of this support to the 32-bit version of Windows XP Professional and all 32-bit versions of Windows Server 2003. 

Source :
- Memory Support and Windows Operating Systems

- Operating Systems and PAE Support

- Physical Address Extension - PAE Memory and Windows



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