
Intel Processor FSB Info :
133 = 533 MHz
200 = 800 MHz
266 = 1066 MHz
333 = 1333 MHz
400 = 1600 MHz

Memory Info :
Memory Speeds (MHz)
and Data Tranfer Rates (GB/s) :

DDR1 266 MHz = PC2100
DDR1 333 MHz = PC2700
DDR1 400 MHz = PC3200

DDR2 533 MHz = PC 4200
DDR2 667 MHz = PC 5300
DDR2 800 MHz = PC 6400
DDR3 1066 MHz = PC 8500
DDR3 1333 MHz = PC 10600
DDR3 1600 MHz = PC 12800
DDR3 1866 MHz = PC 14900
DDR4 2133 MHz = PC 17000
DDR4 2400 MHz = PC 19000
DDR4 2666 MHz = PC 21300
DDR4 2933 MHz = PC 23400
DDR4 3200 MHz = PC 25600
Note : 
* The practical data rate is determined by the system's Central Processing Unit and motherboard configuration.
Home arrow Technical Update arrow Storage arrow Comparing SCSI and ATA drives
Comparing SCSI and ATA drives

Comparing SCSI and ATA drives

Dorian Cougias
Rating: -4.00- (out of 5)

There's pretty much no difference in interfaces or bandwidth between any of the SCSI or ATA scenarios as both use DMA to transfer data to and from the CPU. Serial ATA is reaching the speeds of Ultra SCSI, and every format except the older parallel ATA are hot pluggable, with both serial ATA and SCSI supporting both internal and external formats.

ATA and SCSI supporting both internal and external formats.

Parallel ATAUSBFireWire 800IEEE 1394Serial ATASCSI
Connectivity Market Internal storage External storage External storage Internal and External storage Internal and External storage
Cost comparison Base > Parallel > Parallel = Parallel > Parallel
Speed 100 60 100 150 160
Bootable (Win) Yes No No Yes Yes
Bootable (OS X) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hot Pluggable No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cable Lgth (m) .45 6 (per link) 4.5 (per link) 1 12

SCSI and ATA comparisons
There is a significant difference in price and warranty between the two though. Let's look at the differences between an ATA and SCSI drive from the same manufacturer -- Maxtor.

SCSI and ATA comparisons
There is a significant difference in price and warranty between the two though. Let's look at the differences between an ATA and SCSI drive from the same manufacturer -- Maxtor.

DiamondMax ATA 80.0 GB 133 MBs 88.24 Yes 1 year
Atlas 10K III SCSI 73.4 GB 160 MBs 279.77 Yes 5 years

Individual drive comparison
Funny enough, the capacity is slightly smaller on the SCSI drive than the ATA drives (which is due to formatting differences between the two). The ATA drive is slightly slower than the SCSI drive. If the differences were only these two items, I'd say it was a wash. But, the real differences come in with the price and the warranty.

Any sane network administrator is going to have at least 1 spare drive for every 10 drives in use so that when one breaks, the spare can be grabbed from the shelf and immediately put into use while the original is being shipped back under warranty.

To even things out between the warranty differences of one and five years, we'll say that the administrator will have to replace each of the ATA drives 1.5 times over the five year period.

SCSI 10 drives 1 spare 0 $3,077.47
ATA 10 drives 1 spare 15 $2,294.24

Price differentials
Even with the drive replacements, the costs of the ATA drive format are still less over a five-year period than the cost of the SCSI drives. And that's just for single-drive implementations. What about mirrored drives or RAID arrays? If we extend the argument above, this time adding the additional drives for mirroring or RAID 5, plus the hot spare for the RAID 5 system, we can still see that the ATA arrays are going to be less expensive (even allowing for failure) over the long run.

TypeOriginalsHot SpareAdd'l SparesReplacementsCost
Mirrored SCSI 2 drives -- -- -- $559.54
Mirrored ATA 2 drives -- -- 3 $441.20
RAID 5 SCSI 5 drives 1 -- -- $1,678.62
RAID 5 ATA 5 drives 1 -- 9 $1,411.84

RAID price differentials
So what's the real difference? You'll be replacing more drives more often. Which means that you'll want to know a lot more than you know now about SMART reporting (our next article) and drive management strategies.



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